Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Great Tips for Great Mortgage Quotes

Author: M Petrone

Today, with almost everyone able to connect to the internet, the luxury exists of being able to check your refinance quotes, directly through the lenders website. With so many options available to the person interested in refinancing, this method of searching for the lowest possible quote is by far the easiest, most efficient way to do this. The lenders are also aware of this, and many times they will have a quote that is a little less online than it would be in person.

There are too many lenders available to quote online so do not just pick any of them. Pick 8 ( I know it sounds like a lot but it is online remember? Its fast and easy.) Instead google, mortgage lenders, from the vast list you get in return, pick your 8, first choose four you have heard of through tv and radio commercials, have seen at pro sporting games, etc. You may think you don't know 4 but you will easily recognize them once you see their names. Then, pick 4 lesser known mortgage lenders, but make sure they are on the first three pages within google, they are often reputable and competitive.

Apply to all the sites you have selected, wait for your quotes and then do some more research online about company. Look at their financial status, their history, the rate they offered you, and other related information. Weigh those things against how you feel, how much you will save, but dont forget to look up what other people have said either. You can easily search for "[companys name] review" and often get great results from people who have already used the lender you are looking into.

Learn to use a online calculator.

Most of the lenders websites have a calculator built in, that is a great source of information concerning your mortgage. All you have to do is enter some quick details about your loan, how much you need/owe, length of remaining loan and a few other things. You will instantly get great details and a pretty close quote to the terms that you will actually get.

Time for the negotiation

After you have picked out a lender, you can try to negotiate down the rate they quote you, you can use your research you did previously, and use the lowest quoted rate you asaw and try to leverage that against them. More often than not, this works, and worst case scenario is nothing changes at all. Your rate wont go up.

A Few final notes

Do not forget that the quoted rate you see online is not the final amount. There are costs associated with refinancing, both short and long term that need to be considered. Do as much research as you can and be prepared.
-M Petrone
Refinancing FAQ & Advice

About the Author:

I have been in mortgage lending for over 15 years and have since retired. I provide free useful information to would be home refinancing prospects. My website is updated daily with insider tips, tricks, and knowledgeable articles written by professionals.

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